Longsword eBook

Available Now!

Quick update, my debut book “Bolognese Longsword For The Modern Practitioner” is now available for purchase as an ebook. I used to work professionally with ebooks and can understand how helpful it can be to have all of your books available wherever you go. As well, I cannot overemphasize the number of times I wish a fencing manual had a search function for me to be able to find the answer to whatever question my brain cooks up will in the shower at 11PM. So if you’ve been waiting for the electronic version, you can order it here: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/bolognese-longsword-for-the-modern-practitioner

International orders (with it being printed in both Europe and Australia in order to cut down on shipping), should also be available soon. For links to both print and digital versions, feel free to head on over to my website FoolOfSwords.com.

My regularly scheduled content will return shortly.