This Year's Theme

I'm going to the top and I'm taking you all with me

So there’s an idea that I saw awhile back that a friend just recently reminded me of. New year’s themes. At this point a lot of us are burnt out on the idea of new year’s resolutions. Whether it’s to go to the gym more, eat more vegetables, or read more books; the momentum that comes with the beginning of a new year tends to quickly fizzle out. So instead, this year I’m going to go with an overall theme and see where it takes me.

This year’s theme? “I’m going to the top and I’m taking you all with me.”

In regards to swords this past year had some pretty good high points for me personally. I won multiple SCA tournaments, taught several classes at events, won my Pennsic champs bout, was recognized as a master of defense, and won my second ever HEMA tournament. This year is going to be your turn. I’m still going to focus on improving my own prowess and scholarship, but my plan is to do so with an even greater focus of helping those around me get to the next stage in their journey.

There’s a few projects I’ve got coming down the line that should help me with this overall theme, so stay tuned as some of them should be coming out shortly. More important than that, though, is going to be the overarching direction this is giving me.

When you get the chance, I’d love to hear what your theme for the year is going to be.

If you want a more detailed explanation of how these themes work, here’s a video that I’ve found breaks it all down really well: